17 de novembro de 2008



Quando comprei o terreno para construir minha casa em 1970, minha esposa fez questão de plantar esta
E todos os anos é uma festa quando ela nos dá seus frutos.

When I bought the land to build my house in 1970, my wife made a point of to plant this Jabuticaba tree.

And every year it is a party when it gives its fruits.

Sonhar com jabuticaba significa prosperidade com mudanças radicais na vida.

To dream with jabuticaba means prosperity with radical changes in life.

Jabuticaba - Myrcia cauliflora Berg.; ou Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.) O. Berg. ou Plinia trunciflora; é uma árvore frutífera brasileira nativa da Mata Atlântica.
Jabuticaba - Myrcia cauliflora Berg., or Myrciaria cauliflora (Mart.) O. Berg. or Plinia trunciflora; is a Brazilian fruit tree native of the Atlantic forest.

18 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Oh my goodness, it's very prolific. How do you eat those? How do they taste?

Very interesting post and the photos are gorgeous.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy disse...

Pupo: I never saw anything like this tree. The fruit seems to come out of the branches. I need to look it up on the internet.

Guy D disse...

Thanks for the tour, great pics.

Regina In Pictures

Lizete Vicari disse...

Pupo, postagem maravilhosa!
Amo as jabuticabas, nunca
tinha visto a flor.
Obrigada pela oportunidade!
Um beijo lili

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ disse...

wow! very interesting post, what's the taste like?
My World Tuesday #2

Indrani disse...

It must be tasting nice too. So nice of you to have shown this in different stages and colors.

Please visit my country too.

♥ Denise BC ♥ disse...

Uma jabuticabeira majestosa e repleta de frutos, gostei das fases. Parabéns.

Maria disse...

What an amazing tree! First I thought you had photoshopped the berries! Funny, isn't it?
The fruits look like black currants, but currants grow in little panicles and not along the trunk! - Wikipedia will help!
Thank you for sharing this interesting tree! Your 40 year old tree in your garden is something special!

??? disse...

That is one weird tree, I had to check Wikipedia on it. Thanks for posting about it :)

Maria disse...

Ha, I found it:
Jabuticaba is called "Baumstammkirsche" in German (cherries on a trunk), the fruits are as big as cherries and taste like a mixture of cherries (Kirschen)and red currants (Johannisbeeren).
Unfortunately export of the ripe fruit is difficult (or impossible) as it decays too soon after picking.

Arija disse...

I am enchanted with your to our eyes almost fairy tale tree with fruits on the trunk and branches.
Thank you Maria for your resarch so that we non Brazilians now know what the fruit tastes like.
What a wonderful asset to have in your garden. I am sure you can bottle the juice and also make jelly.
Thank you for this wonderful post.

The Good Life in Virginia disse...

oh what an interesting tree ...the fruit growing on the trunk like that.

dumb question...what do these lovely fruits taste like?

and are these trees native only to your part of the world?

thank you for sharing about this...i found it interesting.

have a wonderful week.


Louise disse...

Wow! I have never seen ANYTHING like that. So interesting. I'm glad you have reason for a party!

indicaspecies disse...

This is fascinating! Nice to know about Jabuticaba fruit. Thank you for sharing these interesting photographs!

My World photograph is here:

- celine

Anônimo disse...

O melhor da jabuticabeira e subr no pé para comer

Um grande abraço

Celso Pupo (sobrinho)

Unknown disse...

ai que vontade que dá!!!


Anônimo disse...

Que sorte a minha: essa jaboticabeira está no quintal da casa dos meus pais!!! uma delícia colhê-las e saboreá-las aos seus pés...
Lindas fotos papi!!
beijos, Ju

Anônimo disse...

Que postagem mais legal, Laerte!
Mesmo a essa hora da madrugada, fiquei com água na boca...
Um ótimo sábado para vocês!