5 de maio de 2012


PAF nos inspira e nos ensina a transformar nossas fotos, por mais simples que sejam, em verdadeiras obras de arte.
Você irá se surpreender.

6 comentários:

Living In Williamsburg Virginia disse...

This has great texture and color. Excellent post.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Leovi disse...

Excelentes colores y una textura maravillosa. Bonita flor.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. disse...

This image is very bonita Laerte!
I can see you used 'Painterly' as a texture and it is beautifully applied. Just lovely over all. Thank you for sharing with PAF!

Pat disse...


Modern Mom disse...

So lovely!

Tiger Lilies

Lynne with an e disse...

Excellent choice of texture for a beautiful blossom. The end result looks like a lovely watercolour painting.