28 de agosto de 2012

25 de agosto de 2012


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I found a program on the internet to produce fractals in Photoshop.
Anyone interested can follow the link below. 
It's free.

21 de agosto de 2012

19 de agosto de 2012

16 de agosto de 2012


Three containers and a white milkmaid with flower.

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14 de agosto de 2012

The Lady of the night

The Lady of the Night is a flower that starts to open when the sun goes down and when the sun begins to appear the next morning it is already closed.

I use the texture kk_dreamit, blending with the soft light.


10 de agosto de 2012


The theme for this week is 'Gift(s)'.

This orchid was a surprise, a gift that I did not expect, because it was there in my backyard and I had not seen that was already blooming.

7 de agosto de 2012

3 de agosto de 2012

Door and window

I imagine most of my friends will put pictures of beautiful port, beautiful, luxurious, modern or old, because that is the challenge today.
My door has been all this, but today it is so until the day that this building is demolished

 I use the texture pdpa Soft Reflection

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