23 de abril de 2009

Sunset - SWF

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19 comentários:

Sylvia K disse...

Fantastic! Really glorious colors! Incredible shot! Thanks so much for sharing. Have a great weekend!

Mary Elizabeth disse...

Spectacular view. Great shot.
Mary Elizabeth @ Now and Then

Marcos Santos disse...

É Pupo... Escolhemos os mesmo tema, mas fazer o que? esses dias tem dado cada por do sol mais lindo que o outro...

Dagrun disse...

Oh, this was really nice!!! Beautiful colours.

Erin disse...

a heavenly sky watch entry...the colors are so rich.

VALKYRIEN disse...

Beautiful sunrays! And what stunning color!

B SQUARED disse...

Very nice.

PJ disse...

Mmmmm, really gorgeous. Happy SWF!

The Explorer disse...

fantastic photo, i like the sun rays..

syel disse...

wow! a stunning sunset!

Inday disse...

Ooohhhhhh!!! Awesome Peeping Tom it looks! Very dramatic effect! That is so re.......al!!!!

hejoko disse...

Wonderful and hopeful sametime:)

SandyCarlson disse...

Heaven, to be sure.

Tarolino disse...

That is a stunning sunrise and I love the hills in the background too. Wonderful colours and the sunbeams showing behind the horizon are cool.

Arija disse...

A dramatic sunset with a golden chain across th sky.

Light and Voices disse...

Your photograph left me speechless. Great job!

Gennasus disse...

Love those colours, I can feel the warmth

vincibene disse...

Fantastic sunset!

Jane Hards Photography disse...
